I’m Dr. Karen Townsend
Author, speaker, and organizational development consultant dedicated to helping you live and lead...confidently.
Years ago, when I worked in higher education, I used to tell my students:
"Find a job you love, and you will never work a day in your life!”
I feel so blessed to have found a job that I absolutely love—helping leaders create inclusive environments and build high-performing teams. And, because I am a wife, a mom and a business owner, I am passionate about empowering women leaders. I know what it’s like to try to spin multiple plates all at the same time. And I know what it feels like when they all come crashing down.
So, whether you are a corporate executive leading a highly successful enterprise, an educator impacting the lives of the next generation, or a busy working women trying to figure out how to make yourself a priority, I am here to equip you with tools so that you can live and lead confidently.

I give people the opportunity to learn and grow.
Today’s workforce is ever evolving, and many leaders are struggling to keep up. If your goal is to create an inclusive environment where everyone can succeed, it is hard to know what to do or where to begin. No one wants to get it wrong, and many struggle with figuring out how to get it right. If you are looking for a partner who will work with you to create professional development programs designed to meet you where you are so that you, your people, and your organization can grow, please reach out so that we can discuss your vision.

Get in touch.
Ready to live and lead confidently? Reach out and let’s see what’s possible for you!